Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am the world's worst procrastonator.  I know you have heard the old saying, "Never put off till tomorrow what you should do today" or something like that.  I am always thinking about doing it today, but never getting it done.  I keep putting it off day after day after day.  If I had completed all the tasks that I wanted to do, I would be hunting for something to do.  And I never have to find things to do.  They seem to walk up to me and say' "YOU were going to take care of me two weeks ago" or "I thought you were going to take care of me yesterday."  My mind is filled with things I want to do or need to do.  I have so much "stuff" to complete tasks with that I hardly have room in my house.  I usually just move the "piles" from one area to aother and not really ever accomplish anything.  I know there are others out there like me.  We don't usually broadcast our non-accomplishments.  I guess we figure it's really nobody's business what we don't do.  But we can really play up what we do.  We want everyone to think we are productive on a daily basis.  I don't like to brag, but...  Look at what I have done, not at what I need to do.  And please overlook all this STUFF that I have sitting around just in case I want to do something.  It's more convenient to have all these things around me so I don't have to look for anything when I really do get started.  And I don't want to put this stuff up, because I am going to need it another day, whenever that is.  I must really love my stuff.  I never seem to be able to put it up.  Let me know if you love your stuff.  Maybe you have some organization tips you could share with me.  I sure could use the help.

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