Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My first blog

Hey friends and neighbors,
This is my first time at blogging.  I have read some but never actually thought I would ever start one.  It has been raining and wet outside.  Here lately, I really dislike (really hate but hate is such a strong word) this weather.  My arthritic joints are really more painful than usual on days like this.  So I usually spend most of the day in bed so I don't have to move around a lot.  December is such a busy month for some of us.  My grandson and nephew have birthdays.  I have a birthday.  Christmas and Christmas shopping for those of us who celebrate Christmas.  I have a Dr. friend I used to work with who has a birthday.

 I always wanted to have a Christmas wedding.  I think there are the most beautiful and blessed of all weddings.  Even more special if there is snow falling and a light coating is on the ground.  Think of it as the angel's tears in anticipation of your future happiness, and a life filled with love and understanding from the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with.  Someone to grow old with.  Someone who will always adore you and keep you safe.  Someone you can confide in and tell all your secrets and know that they will remain secret.  Someone you can grow with in God and who gives you all the support that you need.  Someone who does not judge you but can give you much needed advice without being judgemental.  A non-manipulator (is there such a word) who will always be there for you.  If you have one of these persons in your life, hold onto them.  There are so few out there.  Consider yourself one of the lucky ones.  Always remember to be yourself.  You don't have to change for anyone.  Do things that make you happy.  Not things that you are "expected to do."  Be happy.

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