Monday, January 9, 2012


Wonder if there would be eating disorders if "plus size" was the size to be?  If "fat" was the in thing, would people still suffer from anorexia, bulimia, purging, etc.?  I am a plus size senior woman.  I have been plus size most of my life.  I like blingy clothes, I love bright colors, and I like loose fitting clothes.  Very few shops have clothes that I like or feel comfortable in.  I don't want to look like a teen-ager nor do I want to look frumpy because of my age.  Thank goodness for stores like Fashion Bug (my favorite), Cato's, Lane Bryant, and sometimes Wal-mart.  You can 't even find patterns anymore for us "fluffy" women.  Wal-Mart does not have a great variety or selection for us.  I have been in stores where the largest size they carry is 10.  I have been on vacations to places where the largest tourist t-shirt size is large.  Reality Check people and businesses.  We like to patronize your businesses, but we need larger sizes.  And contrary to popular belief, some of us like our sizes.  Imagine walking down the street with a man who is not obsessed by your size!   I know there are men out there who like the larger woman.  I know there are men out there who love their ladies even though they have gained weight.  I know there are men out there who are not embarrassed (my x's excuse) to be seen in public with their ladies.  It does not matter what size you are, most people are consumed with their weight.  I am too big, I am too small, I need to lose weight, I need to gain weight (definitely not my problem), I need to exercise more, I need to drink more water.  Never satisfied.  I know people who have had stomach stapling, bypass surgery, etc.  All of them have gained back most of the weight that they lost through so much suffering.  And they are still as worried about their weight as ever.  It is so hard to lose and keep it off.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could lose it as easy as it was to put it on?  Some of us also have medical problems with meds which can cause weight problems, either the meds, the disease, or both.  Unfortunately, mine are all associated with weight gain.  And as you get older, your metabolism slows down.  So does your energy level, your activity level, your income, etc.  Oh well.  Nobody said it would be easy.  And my EASY button is broken.  May God bless and keep you until we meet again.

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