Sunday, May 13, 2012


I got a post card from a friend who is working in Hawaii.  I have learned that another friend will be going there soon to work.  I could say that I was jealous, but I know that I am not able to work anymore and that would be the only way I could go.  I have several traveling buddies that have gone to Hawaii to work and loved every minute of being there.  All of them much younger than me, but I have managed to keep in contact by mail, fb, e-mail, etc.  One of my favorite is in Hawaii now.  This is her second assignment there in the last 6 months.  I would venture to say if I were dead, she would be my re-incarnation.   She is more like me than my own children are.  She has been born in the wrong generation.  She would fit right in with mine.  She is like me in the way that I was in the 60's and 70's.  She is a free spirit who is not afraid to try new things.  She enjoys life to the fullest and fills every minute with a new memory.  She has traveled to Alaska with 2 assignments there.  I love looking at her pictures and seeing things through her eyes.  She gets so excited about everything.  She is such a pleasant person and would do anything for you.  She makes friends easily.  Back in the day, I guess she would be called "a wild child."  I have worn flowers in my hair, bell bottoms with peace signs all over them (by the way, the peace sign is still my favorite of all things),  killed a few brain cells (for medicinal purposes only, of course), and drank my share of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill, snuck a little white lightning in there on occasion.  What stories she will be able to tell her grandchildren.  It is so fulfilling to be able to do things that you want to do.  I miss that about being young.  Don't get me wrong.  Aging is a normal thing but no one said you had to enjoy it!  Do not ever take freedom for granted.  Take advantage of any and all adventures when you are young.  Set and meet your goals while you can.  It's not like I have to check my social calendar to make a Dr.'s appoinment.  There was a time when I would have to.  Now I pretty much do what I want.  I look at that as a good thing.  My health is not the greatest, but it could be much worse.   I go to an awesome church and have an awesome church family.  I am blessed each and everyday.  I have good and caring friends.  I am satisfied with my life, and life is good.  Till next time...

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